Sunday Morning
Summer Schedule
8:00 a.m. Worship
Celebration of the Holy Eucharist
with Hymns
10:15 a.m. Worship
Celebration of the Holy Eucharist with Choir, Nave
Livestream of the Holy Eucharist
To join us online. CLICK HERE for more information.
Weekday Worship
7:00a.m. - 7:30a.m. Morning Prayer in Rm. 204/205 & Zoom online.
CLICK HERE to open Zoom.
Noon Healing Service with Communion in the Chapel
5:45p.m.-6:30p.m. in the Chapel
Evening Prayer with Rosary
Children's Chapel (Does not meet in Summer)
Children’s Chapel (ages 3-6 years old) While we strongly encourage all St. John’s families to worship together, some families appreciate a little help teaching their children the basics of church life and communal worship. This is where the Children’s Chapel comes into play! Located between Tilson Hall and the Parish Hall, the Children’s Chapel provides space for age-appropriate lessons about church life (such as “Why do we have candles in worship?” or “Why do people dip their fingers in the font?”) and the Bible. Children also enjoy songs and other activities designed to engage their interests and energies. Parents may drop children off for Children’s Chapel at 10:10 or the children will be taken there after Sunday school. The children are then brought to the Nave to rejoin their parents during the Exchange of the Peace. Contact: Matt Williams
Worship Servers
Acolytes: St. John’s Church has a very active corps of dedicated acolytes. These young men and women, grades 6 through 12, have the honor and privilege of serving and assisting the clergy during the 10:15 a.m. service each Sunday. They may assist also at additional special services throughout the year as necessary.
All acolytes, whether new or returning, are required to attend a training session held in late August of each year. Acolyte teams for the year are assigned from those attending this session. Additionally, adult men and women serve at the 8:00 a.m. service.
Contact: Shirley de la Canal
Vergers: A verger is a person within the Church who assists the clergy in the conduct of public worship. The verger serves the church in a ministry of welcome; the duties of the verger vary from parish to parish. At St. John’s, we have a team of vergers who share in this ministry.
Contact: Rick Parker
Lectors and Intercessors assist during both Sunday morning services by reading the Old and New Testament lessons and the Prayers of the People. Training is available from one of St. John’s clergy.
Contact: Jamey Graves
Livestream Ministry: The 10:15 a.m. service in the Nave is Livestreamed each week. If you like behind the scenes volunteering, this is perfect for you. No experience needed—we’ll teach you what you need to know!
Contact: Jamey Graves
Greeters Ministry: Welcoming guests is an important part of parish life at St. John’s. Greeters make our guests feel like they are a welcome addition to our fellowship and help all parishioners feel good about being at St. John’s by extending a smile and a handshake, or helping them find their way around the campus. If you believe growing our church is what God is calling you to do, this ministry is for you!
Contact: Jamey Graves
Ushers Ministry:
Church ushers help serve at all of our worship services in order to assist people during the worship time. Ushers distribute bulletins, manage foot traffic during communion, collect the offering plates and more. To learn more about this important ministry. Contact the church office.
Altar Guild: The Altar Guild is an organization whose purpose is preparing the sanctuary for worship services. The Guild is divided into four weekly groups who gather in the sacristy on Saturday mornings to clean and polish silver and brass and set up for that Sunday’s services. Laundry duties include each week’s purificators (linens used on chalices for communion) and other linen items, as needed. Each group has designated members to clean up and reset after every service and to clean up and return to storage cabinets all vessels used for communion after the last service. The processional Cross and torches are also returned to the Sacristy.
Contact: Anne Parker
Chalice Bearers: A chalice bearer is one who assists with distributing the wine during Holy Communion. Any confirmed older youth or adult may become a chalice bearer following training and licensing, and will be scheduled on a monthly rotation. It is an honor and solemn responsibility to distribute the wine in the context of worship.
Contact: Jamey Graves