Lent 2024
To make a right beginning of repentance, we are invited in the Ash Wednesday liturgy to the observance of a holy Lent, by self-examination and repentance; by prayer, fasting, and self-denial; and by reading and meditating on God's holy Word.
Ash Wednesday Services
Wednesday, February 14
Noon: Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes
6:00 pm: Holy Eucharist with Imposition of Ashes
7:00 pm: Soup supper in the parish hall
with Fr. Brad (on Zoom)
begins 2/15
12:00-12:45pm weekdays
ZOOM ID: 814 2417 7027
Beginning February 15, and each weekday thereafter (12-12:45). Bring your lunch, a cup of coffee, or whatever you like, as we pause mid-day from daily routines and casually gather around Evelyn Underhill's book, Lent with Evelyn Underhill, (2006). A time for fellowship and reflection during Lent, we can enjoy this holy season to the fullest in preparation for the Easter season. All are welcome.
Stop in the nave and gaze upon the Lenten icon, The Temptation of Jesus on the Mountain by Duccio Di Buoninsegna (1255-1319). It will be present throughout Lent as a reminder of what Jesus faced . . . what we face in the temptations. Just like Jesus, we strive in Lent to reject finding our identity in security needs (the bread temptation); in affection needs (the jumping off the Temple temptation); and control needs (power over all the nations). And so for a simple but effective discipline this Lent, just stop in your day and breathe; breathe deeply; breathe in YHWH deeply . . . and know who you really are.
Lenten Prayer Resource
The Living Compass theme for the 2024 Lent season is Practicing Forgiveness with All Your Heart, Soul, Strength, and Mind. Designed for both individual reflection and group study, this daily devotional provides a foundation for seeking a deeper experience of Lent—one that prepares us for the coming of Easter. You can access the resources in multiple ways:
• ORDER LENT DEVOTIONAL BOOK: a 5.5" x 8.5" printed book while supplies last. Printed books are $1 per book. Shipping within the continental United States is FREE for orders of 10 or more books and $10 for orders of 1-9 books. If you have questions about printed books, contact Carolyn Karl at carolyn@livingcompass.org. We often sell out, so please order early.
• DOWNLOAD the Lent devotional as a FREE PDF file.
• ORDER E-BOOK LENT DEVOTIONAL from Amazon for .99 cents.
• RECEIVE DAILY EMAIL of each reflection for FREE.
• Access all past daily reflections on our website: livingcompass.org
Lenten Prayer Resource
For 15 years, Episcopal Relief & Development has been blessed by the opportunity to join readers on their spiritual journeys with thought-provoking meditations. During Lent, we pray, “Create and make in us new and contrite hearts.” ERD's 2024 meditations focus on embracing this new heart, this new life in Christ, and looking deep within ourselves and acting in ways that seek and serve Christ in others.
Visit the ERD website to subscribe to daily emails, download a PDF meditation booklet, read the meditations online, and access a Group Study Guide to reflect on the meditations and Scripture with others.
Download a FREE booklet (CLICK HERE)
Subscribe to receive daily meditations in your inbox (CLICK HERE)
ERD 2024 Lenten Meditations
Available 24/7
To assist you in your contemplative time during Lent, the labyrinth is always available as a prayer resource you can add to your reading and meditating on God’s holy Word.